Which competencies are required for each concentration?
- BA in Communications + Business
- BA in Communications + Healthcare
- BA in Healthcare Management + Communications
- BA in Healthcare Management + Global Healthcare Perspectives
- BA in Management + Insurance Services
- BA in Management + Logistics and Operations
- BA in Management + Public Administration
Which majors do you recommend for Educator Pathway fellows?
Although SNHU does not offer a major in education through College for America, it’s helpful to note that most teaching credential programs only require a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution. Most of our Ed Pathway fellows major in Communications or Management.
How does SNHU’s BA curriculum translate to teaching (in California)?
The six California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) are organized below, with the aligned competencies from SNHU’s BA curriculum reflected below each standard area. While the curriculum does not embed specific K-12 teaching standards, scenarios, or content, many of the competencies are indirectly linked to the standards.
1. Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
- Can create an effective website.
- Can clearly and succinctly express complex ideas or information orally.
- Can identify and explain concrete ways to contribute to one’s community.
- Can identify issues of particular significance to one’s own community.
2. Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
- Can apply common decision-making frameworks.
- Can communicate effectively with internal and external stakeholders.
- Can apply leading management theories and models.
- Can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different management styles.
- Can apply key terms and concepts that relate to cultural competences.
- Can explain how culture shapes interpersonal relations.
- Can acknowledge one’s own cultural beliefs, values and sensibilities and those of others.
- Can articulate and analyze one’s own cultural biases and preconceptions.
- Can recognize and interpret both verbal and nonverbal messages.
- Can identify and apply effective conflict resolutions techniques.
3. Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning
- Can access and use academic and scholarly materials related to a specific field for research.
- Can appropriately cite and document sources of information related to learning and research.
- Can produce clear, grammatical and polished writing about learning experiences.
4. Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
- Can apply the principles of design thinking.
- Can develop a basic operations plan.
- Can evaluate the essential components of operation processes.
5. Assessing Students for Learning
- N/A
6. Developing as a Professional Educator
- Can facilitate a group discussion or meeting.
- Can speak effectively in different professional contexts.
- Can weigh competing priorities and make an informed decision or recommendation.
- Can collaborate with others to solve complex problems.
- Can apply knowledge of norms and cultures other than one’s own.
- Can recognize the strengths and limitations of others and delegate appropriately.
- Can provide encouraging, specific and actionable feedback.
- Can critique and build on one's own ideas and the ideas of others.
- Can respond effectively and appropriately to complaints and negative feedback.
- Can function effectively as part of an interprofessional team.
Which majors do you recommend if I want to become a school counselor?
Can I switch my major if I change my mind?
Yes. You can change your major between terms, but depending on how far along you are you may end up having to do more than 60 projects.