How can you build your LinkedIn network? Here are a couple of questions to guide you:
1. Who should I connect with?
Once your LinkedIn profile is updated, think about the following groups of people and request to connect with them.
- Current job connections: manager, co-workers, partners you’ve worked directly with
- Previous job connections: manager, co-workers, partners you’ve worked directly with
- Rivet School connections: College Coach, Admissions Specialist, other team members & fellows you've interacted with
- Other professional connections: volunteering, internships/externships, job interviews that didn’t result in an offer but made a strong connection with, friends and family you admire professionally
2. Do I know them well enough to connect on LinkedIn?
Ask yourself, “Would they remember me if I sent them an email right now?”
- If the answer is NO, you probably shouldn’t connect with them.
- If the answer is YES, request to connect with them. Once you click “Connect,” it will ask if you want to add a note to personalize your invitation. Doing this can help remind the person when/where they met you.